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Hikers overlooking mountain view

Mission Statement

The Arkansas Trails Council provides a unifying voice for the trails community across Arkansas. It brings together people and resources with an interest in the development, expansion, use, and maintenance of trails in Arkansas. The Trails Council provides a public forum for members of the trails community and serves as an organized voice for trails advocacy within the state. The Trails Council promotes trails awareness, trail usage, and trail education within the population in general and is a proactive advocate for development and use of trails in Arkansas.

The Arkansas Trails Council is concerned with trails regardless of user group (e.g., foot trails, bicycle trails, equestrian trails, water trails, off road vehicle trails, or multi-purpose trails) or primary purpose (e.g., recreation, health / exercise, watchable wildlife, history).

Officers and Committees

2018 Arkansas Trails Council Officiers

Executive Secretary: Mike Sprague


Chair: Toby Von Rembow

Vice Chair: Bill Jackson

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